2 min read
17 Jan

Well, here's a post that I started back in June of last year but didn't finish.  7 months later, I finally finished it.  I hope you enjoy the read!

So my donkeys aren't talking to me today.  They don't even want me near them.  They look at me and run the other way.

Why?  You ask. Well, today started off normal.  Got up, brushed my teeth and got dressed.  Went out to Star and the donkeys to feed them and fed them in the round pen so I could contain them.  I needed to corral them and put their halters on.  I had something special for them today.  

You see, today was vet day.  Today, they were getting their vaccinations which meant a shot in the neck.  I have to admit, I've been slow on getting these done because it is costly and with 4 equines (before we got April),  it can add up.  Fortunately, we have a wonderful traveling vet that is willing come and vaccinate them and all 5 of my dogs at the same time.  

So, Star and the donkeys were waiting in the pen.  When the vet came, we 1st decided to just do the vaccinations in the round pen with them all.  My thinking was that this would be quick and easy. 

They've been so good for me with the farrier and me brushing them. They didn't fight me when I take care of their nicks and bites by putting cream on them. I figured it'd only take about 5-10 minute or so per equine and then we'd be done.

LOL, well think again!
We started with Dazy...well we TRIED starting with Dazy.
You know that song...
the one that is so popular on Tik Tok...
the one that sings:
OH NO NO NO NO NO! (repeat a million times)

Well, she wasn't having it... and she's suppose to be my calmest donkey! You should have seen us... trying to hold her down while she tried to rear and kick and get away!  She fought and she fought hard!!  

We ended up getting her out of the round pen... and letting her loose... halter and lead rope dragging behind her as she kicked and snorted.  She was sooooo MAD!  She took off running in the other direction!  I hadn't seen her run so fast!! And... no...she did not get her shot at that moment.  The vet suggested to just let her run, get her energy out... and hopefully she'd calm down.   

In the mean time, we went for the other donkeys... which proved to be just as hard but we somehow managed to give them their shots.  And Star... well, she was true to her name meaning she was a star in behaving and being calm.  She was the easiest one to do. 

So after Star, we turned our attention back to Dazy Mae... and boy was she still mad!  Running and snorting... still!  

After some time though, I was able to catch her and calm her and we finally were able to vaccinate her.  

But boy, they all were not thrilled with me.  I don't think they let me approach them until after the vet left and I had treats for them.  

They didn't understand that though it hurt, they NEEDED those vaccinations for protection and for their health.  Those vaccinations fight off diseases and illnesses.  But they didn't know that.  They just knew it hurt and wanted to get away from it. They couldn't and can't see the bigger picture... keeping them healthy and safe.

You know, life is like that.  There are times we struggle and hurt. We want to run from the pain and we want to get as far away as we can from the hurts of life.  
Who wants to willingly be hurt?
Who wants to struggle in life?

We question why God allows certain things to happen.  
We question why we have to go through those certain things.
We don't understand it all so we question God.  

But have you ever thought that there may be a reason for that particular struggle that you are going through?

Have you ever thought that God may be letting that struggle in your life because it just maybe good for you?
... that it may teach you to grow?
... that it may teach you to feel for others more?
... that it may teach you to lean and trust in Him more?

Sometimes the not so good stuff in our life may be the exact thing we need!  

He knows through that struggle, you will fight and become stronger and wiser.

He knows through that hurt, you will be able to show love, empathy and compassion more deeply for the people you are surrounded by.

He knows that when you do not understand all the whys of the world, you will fall on your knees and come to Him.

Maybe, just maybe...God sees that bigger picture in everything that you don't.

James 1: 2-5 (NIV)
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  

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